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Keep in mind that what we are doing for earth is for the next generation

"Starting something should be from ourselves to provide example to others. Keep in mind that what we are doing for earth is for the next generation so they could feel the same or even better than ours now"- words of Pasifilionira Sawaki, a green and woman youth activist.

Waste is the major problem in Manokwari today. Without proper handling, waste problem will become a time bomb. Besides, deforestation, illegal logging, and coral destruction are also deemed serious threats to Manokwari.

Manokwari young people have the role as agents of change which is expected to make a better environment with their roles as game changers, through their knowledge, ideas, and skills. As drivers and objects of change, youth should bravely address the truth without lies.

-Yoel Tirso Dando Sodav/EcoNusa

Story Information:

Country: Indonesia

Topic: Pollution

Photo or video credit: EcoNusa/ PELAMPAR

Text Credit: Pasifilionira Sawaki

Date : 6 July 2022

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