Community Gatherings and Youth DIscussions
As the founder of the South Lampung Mangrove Activist Community, I want to create a new face for youth community activism, independent and not affiilated with political or religious organizations. I think that our South Lampung area has a great potential for our youth , but as of today, we are not maximizing our roles. We need a community forum to animate, build, strengthen each other, because by uniting we hope it will give birth to greater benefits.
We have regular Community Gathering and Youth Discussions. Our latest one, we discussed a few important issues: the role of village youth for the environment, and the role of our community partners in the upcoming Cleanup in Action activity. We also discussed our concerns about waste and environmental management which has become a very complex theme in our area, still unresolved up to now.
To note, the results of the discussion that took place, there are several community concerns regarding environmental issues in South Lampung:
1. Currently the focus or activities are on solving new environmental problems around the coast, we must start paying attention to other areas such as rivers, for example the Way Pisang River in Palas District.
2. Garbage is one of the causes of damage to the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Rawa Way Lubuk area
3. Lack of environmental education in the people of South Lampung, especially education to youth as a driver of change so that people are still not wise in managing their waste and throwing garbage carelessly into gardens, rivers and seas or in burn.
4. Lack of facilities and full support/attention from the district government in dealing with waste problems
5. Educational institutions such as campuses and schools are still lacking education on how to manage waste wisely, so the practice so far is still just gathering and transporting fuel.
From the anxiety above, several solutions emerged from the community, including:
1. Communities throughout South Lampung must often schedule joint activities.
2. Promote environmental literacy movements and/or campaigns and outreach about Wise Management of the Environment in the Lamsel Community
3. Handling of Waste Issues must be from upstream to downstream and sustainable
4. Can be started by holding Foster Villages
5. Form a South Lampung Community Forum. (Rls).
komunitas mangrove lampung selatan
Story Information:
Country: Indonesia
Topic: Coastal Erosion
Photo or video credit: South Lampung Mangrove Activist Community
Text Credit: Zaini (with video)
Date : 14 July 2023