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Comment des habitants se mobilisent-ils pour faire de HK un territoire plus durable ?
Beach cleaning by volunteers and preservation of the ocean.
Please watch the full film here.
Filmmakers: Mahaut Dubuisson - Lucas Renard - Julien Frantz - Maximilien Ha Thuc
Students from the French International School of Hong Kong, for the Sustainable Development International Film Festival 2023.
Story Information:
Country: Other
Topic: Climate change (general)
Photo or video credit: Filmmakers: Mahaut Dubuisson - Lucas Renard - Julien Frantz - Maximilien Ha Thuc Students from the French International School of Hong Kong, for the Sustainable Development International Film Festival 2023.
Text Credit: Mahaut Dubuisson - Lucas Renard - Julien Frantz - Maximilien Ha Thuc (with video)
Date : 5 July 2023
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