We are struggling to save our ancestral forest
Saat ini kita sedang mengalami perubahan iklim yang tidak seperti biasanya, akibat deforestasi untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit di daerah kita yang semakin marak.
Saya adalah pemimpin masyarakat adat Dayak Tomun. Kami menolak industri kelapa sawit. Hutan kinipan adalah hidup kami. Kami mengajukan keluhan resmi, mengambil tindakan hukum dan memprotes secara damai. Namun sebuah perusahaan kelapa sawit terus merusak hutan kami.
Di Kinipan, kami dengan gigih mempertahankan hutan hujan leluhur kami. PT Sawit Mandiri Lestari (SML), sebuah perusahaan perkebunan, telah membuka hutan di Kalimantan Tengah selama beberapa bulan. Lahan yang sudah dibuka kemudian langsung ditanami bibit kelapa sawit.
Aksi damai berlangsung sejak Oktober 2018. Warga Kinipan menuntut SML segera menghentikan penanaman bibit sawit dan meninggalkan hutan. Ini sangat mendesak – setengah dari hutan sudah hilang!
PT.Sawit Mandiri Lestari (SML )adalah sebuah perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit di kabupaten Lamandau kalimantan tengah,yang mulai beroperasi di wilayah adat Laman Kinipan sejak awal bulan Januari 2018,sejak dri awal masyarakat adat Laman Kinipan menolak rencana usaha perkebunan sawit di wilayah mereka.tapi perusahaan ini terus beroperasi melakukan pembukaan lahan.kerena adanya perlawanan dari masyarakat adat Laman Kinipan di tahun tahun 2020 sampai saat ini pembukaan lahan terhenti,namun masih ada kekuatiran masyarakat adat pembukaan akan terjadi lagi,karena belum ada keputusan dari pemerintah untuk menghentikan pembukaan lahan tersebut.wilayah adat yang sudah dibuka dari tahun 2018 sampai 2021untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit PT.SML mencapai 1.800 ha.
We are currently experiencing climate change that is not as usual, due to deforestation for oil palm plantations in our area that is increasingly rampant.
I am the leader of the Dayak Tomun indigenous people. We’re resisting the palm oil industry. Kinipan forest is our life. We lodged a formal complaint, took legal action and protested peacefully. And yet a palm oil company is continuing destroying our forest.
In Kinipan, we are staunchly defending our ancestral rainforest. PT Sawit Mandiri Lestari (SML), a plantation company, has been clearing the forest in Central Kalimantan for several months now. The cleared land is then immediately planted with oil palm seedlings.
Peaceful protests have been underway since October 2018. The inhabitants of Kinipan are demanding that SML immediately stop planting oil palm seedlings and leave the forest. This is extremely urgent – half of the forest is already gone!
PT. Sawit Mandiri Lestari (SML) is an oil palm plantation company in the Lamandau district of Central Kalimantan, which began operating in the Laman Kinipan customary area since early January 2018, since the beginning the Laman Kinipan indigenous people rejected plans for an oil palm plantation business in their area. but this company continues to operate in clearing land. Due to resistance from the Laman Kinipan indigenous people in 2020 until now land clearing has stopped, but there are still fears that the customary community will clear up again, because there has been no decision from the government to stop clearing the land. The area that was cleared from 2018 to 2021 for PT. SML's oil palm plantations reached 1,800 ha.
Story Information:
Country: Indonesia
Topic: Natural Habitats
Photo or video credit: Effendi Buhing
Text Credit: Effendi Buhing
Date : 18 June 2023